
Spread the spirit!

Blog, Exago
At any moment during 2016, an idea can transform your business, an idea can change the world. Merry Christmas and our best wishes for a shiny new year! The Exago…
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Countryside road through a lens

TIP: Is your innovation effort transparent enough?

Blog, Insights

Today the traditional model of ‘top management decides’ and ‘everyone else unquestioningly executes’ is less likely to succeed, namely in your innovation efforts. Leaders need to define strategy based upon established fundamentals and then clearly communicate that strategy throughout their organisation. Transparency is paramount in the twenty-first century enterprise.

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Innovation executives, unite!

Blog, Insights

We know that innovation is the cornerstone of any corporate growth imperative. But the innovation industry apparently needs a return to sanity: we need results. It’s time to discard obsolete models. This is where our ‘intervention’ steps in.

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gaming remote control

Ready to play the innovation game?

Blog, Insights

More than ever, companies need to engage their employees to assure long-term viability. Yet, overwhelmed with information, people’s attention spans have become shorter and shorter. Their willingness to contribute to lateral activities has shrunk, particularly if these are boring or create anxiety. And innovation is often no fun…or can it be?

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